Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lets go shopping: marshalls

So today I went to Marshall's on my lunch break to squeeze in some shopping. Lately I have been feeling that my wardrobe needs a face-lift. I want my work wardrobe to be slightly more mature and professional. I want my weekend wardrobe to..well...exist. I have been purging so much that I feel there isn't much left. So to the stores I shall's the stuff I tried. Had to hold it at the counter so I could get back to work on time. Now I need to narrow down which items I will purchase and go get my stuff before they close! Let me know which items you like!

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!!!!!! they are so CUTE i can't decide lol The Pink&Brown shirt is Cute,Coralshirt,Just get them all. I can never find anything for me there. I'm always at Ross. I'm there spending like $50 to $75 when i leave the store. I bought this Nice Red XOXO purse at Ross-Compare price $79.00
    Maybe I'll but it on FB.
